Other Community and Social Services
The following organizations are not affiliated with the City of Holden, and would need to be contacted directly.
This list is provided as a courtesy to the residents of Holden, and the City of Holden assumes no responsibility over the services or care provided by these agencies.
Below are various agencies that could provide help to residents with a wide variety of issues: behavioral help, substance abuse, help for senior adults, crisis counseling, shelters, etc. If you know of any organization you'd like to see listed, email cityadmin@cityofholden.com .
Missouri Department of Health offers health information and assistance to families and senior adults:
Compass Health offers counseling, psychiatry, and therapy for individuals. It also provides pediatric and family medicine and dental services.
Survival House is a group dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence by providing court advocacy, emergency shelter, support groups and therapy.
Standing in the Gap Ministries provides a wide variety of services to the community.
Also check out Holden's Senior Center to see the services they offer including reduced cost meals: https://goaging.org/services/local-centers/johnson-county-senior-center/holden-senior-center/
Contact Info
Compass Health
Dawn Morris
Community Health Liaison
Visit Website
Survival House
Missouri Department of Health and Human Services
Visit Website
Standing in the Gap Ministries
(816) 209-7172