Volunteer Opportunities throughout Holden
This page is to list volunteer opportunities within the City of Holden. NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, the city employees do NOT have any other information other than what is listed here. Please contact the organization directly.
From philanthropy, to neighbors helping neighbors, to serving on tourism, parks, or other city committees, there is an opportunity for everyone!
If you'd like your volunteer opportunity to be listed on this page, please email it to cityadmin@cityofholden.com
Become a school volunteer: https://www.holdenschools.org/parentsstudents/volunteer
Volunteer for Hospice: https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/opp2859856.jsp
Help People in Need: https://holdenhope.org/
Food Pantry: https://holdenministeriala9.wixsite.com/hama/about
“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.” -Herman Melville
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.” -Author Unknown
“How can we expect our children to know and experience the joy of giving unless we teach them that the greater pleasure in life lies in the art of giving rather than receiving.” -James Cash Penney

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